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Are you eligible for help with prescriptions?

Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) can save you money if you pay for more than three items in three months, or 11 items in 12 months

Posted on: 30 October 2023

Do you live with any long-term conditions?

If you’re on low income, you could be entitled for help with costs or free prescriptions through the PPC scheme, depending on your circumstances.

The prescription charge in England is £9.65 per item. A PPC costs:

  • £31.25 for 3 months
  • £111.60 for 12 months

Check your eligibility

Checks are made on free NHS prescriptions to prevent and detect fraud and error. If you claim free prescriptions you're not entitled to, you could have to pay a penalty charge of up to £100.

Check now

Ahead of winter

Make sure you get your prescription medicines before your pharmacy or GP practice closes for holidays. 

And, if you’ve been prescribed antibiotics or any other medication, make sure you take them as directed. 

You can order prescriptions via your GP or pharmacy websites, by calling your GP or pharmacy, or via NHS-approved apps. If you need help, ask a friend, relative or volunteer to collect medicines for you.

Access online services

You can also order your repeat prescriptions via the NHS App, as well as make GP appointments. The NHS App is available on the App Store and on Google Play. 

Download the app