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Care Group signs “Corporate Parenting” pledge to show our commitment to young people leaving care

We’re pleased to announce that Malcolm Thomson, the GP Care Group’s Chief Operating Officer, added his signature on behalf of our organisation to the new Tower Hamlets Corporate Parenting Strategy and Pledge.

Posted on: 31 October 2023

As described in the strategy, Corporate Parenting is “the term that describes the shared responsibility of elected members, all the staff in the council and partner agencies towards […] the children in our care and our care experienced young people”.

At the heart of the  pledge and service offer is the question,“Would this be good enough for my own child?” 

The Care Group is delighted to sign up to the pledge, along with other system partners. 

In essence, the purpose of the pledge is to challenge everyone to do more. It is significant that we signed the pledge during National Care Leaver’s Week, yet another opportunity to reinvigorate our commitment to: 

  • celebrate careleavers
  • amplify theirvoices
  • raise awareness about challenges
  • encourage change in policy andpractice


The Tower Hamlets Corporate Parenting Strategy covers the next five years and sets out a plan for how the London Borough of Tower Hamlets will collaborate with partner organisations like us to support care leavers.

Read the strategy