Last month, the GP Care Group’s South East Locality Health Visiting team took part in a local ‘fun day’ at the Isle of Dogs Children and Family Centre. We spoke to South East Locality Clinical Manager, Julia Edwards, to learn more about what happened on the day.
“The event formed part of the Children and Family Centre’s idea to arrange fun days in each of the Health Visiting localities. There were several stalls offering information from other health and care services, as well as a face painting, bouncy castles, and a mobile vaccination centre for the public to drop-in for their COVID-19 Vaccinations.”
“As the children’s centre is on the edge of Millwall Park the team were able to use the park space to attract families. The Health Visiting team talked about the importance of good health and the types of support we offer families and children. We had Health Visitors on hand to give advice to parents and to offer leaflets with detailed information about how to get in touch with our service. There was a lot of interest from parents including men and fathers which was lovely to see.”
“The promotional materials included information on eRedbook, breastfeeding support, bottle feeding support, introducing solid foods, dental/oral health, development reviews, and the Ages & Stages Questionnaire.”
“Our stall had some freebies to give away, including book start packs, breastfeeding tote bags, and breastfeeding support card holders.”