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Help the NHS help you: look out for possible signs of cancer

Posted on: 15 October 2020

COVID-19 has changed the way that people are accessing NHS services. A recent NHS survey of 2,178 people found that almost half (48%) of the public would delay or not seek medical help at all. A fifth (22%) would not want to burden the NHS, and a similar proportion said that fear of getting coronavirus or passing it onto others was a major reason for not getting help.

The NHS has launched a new 'Help Us, Help You' campaign to encourage people to contact their GP if they are worried about a symptom that could be cancer (such as unexplained blood, a lump, weight loss which feels significant, or an unexplained pain that lasts three weeks or more), and encourage pregnant women to keep appointments and seek advice from their midwife or maternity team if they are worried about their baby.

Please click here if you have any concerns.

The campaign also encourages those already who are already being treated for a health issue to keep their routine appointments and those experience mental health issues to access NHS services and support. The NHS has introduced a range of measures to ensure the safety of patients, including COVID-secure wards and phone and digital appointments, and the 'Help Us, Help You' campaign will help to reassure patients that the NHS can help them safely.

The latest information on NHS services is here

Your NHS is here to see you, safely. Help Us, Help You.