It's World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August) and the theme this year is "Protect breastfeeding: a shared responsibility. Breastfeeding provides every child with the best possible start in life. It delivers health, nutritional and emotional benefits to both children and mothers, which is why our Health Visitors, Family Nurses, and Nursey Nurses are supporting families with their breastfeeding journey.
In Tower Hamlets we have full UNICEF baby-friendly accreditation. We believe a mother should be supported to feed her baby, how she chooses, for as long as she chooses and has the support and evidence-based information to achieve this.
All our Health Visitors, Family Nurses, and Nursery Nurses are trained to assess and support breastfeeding and have completed Baby Friendly training. We ensure that our families have access to the specialist Tower Hamlets Baby Feeding Service. The GP Care Group supports those who are breastfeeding by providing evidence-based, up-to-date information about all infant feeding. All our staff follows the World Health Organisation International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.
Baby Friendly Infant Feeding Coordinator, Vanessa Wooding said: "For a mother and her baby, breastfeeding will secure the bond between them and provide that baby with all that it requires in the first months of life. This will continue to protect and promote that baby's development as it grows. Breastfeeding can empower and unite women around the world, it reduces health inequalities and supports a healthier planet. Never has it been more important to promote, support, and recognise the impact and advantages of breastfeeding for our recovery and our future."