As a proud partner of the Nurture Early for Optimal Nutrition (NEON), programme, the GP Care Group is thrilled with the news that NEON has won a prestigious Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Health and Wellbeing Award 2021.
The NEON programme, which won the 'Health at every age' category, is a community-led and co-produced scheme that supports the development of safe, inclusive environments for mothers and carers to explore health challenges and find ways to help each other overcome any issues.
Speaking about what it means to be involved in the project, Geromini Pushpakanthan, a NEON Community Facilitator, said: “I am very proud to be included in this project and to be acknowledged by other people. I have not only improved my knowledge of diet and knowing what foods are healthy and unhealthy, solutions and alternatives for food and more - I have also helped other people that are related to me improve their knowledge. I am thankful to be a part of this project.”
Winning the award is a huge boost to the programme as the RSPH is a platform that recognises and celebrates a wide range of activities, policies and strategies that empower communities and individuals.
The GP Care Group, a partner of the NEON programme sees the impact the project has on the community. Jenny Gilmour, the Care Group’s 0-19 Service Development Lead, said: “It has been and continues to be a privilege to work with the NEON team, in refining and developing great resources further and contributing to the advisory panel that oversees the content and planning programme delivery. This will be strengthened by facilitating the link to Health Visitors across Tower Hamlets, and they in turn will provide access and support to the families who will benefit the most in terms of identified need. The GP Care Group is delighted that this programme has been awarded an RSPH Award 2021.”
To find out more about the NEON Programme and why they won, follow the link below.