What can service users expect:
When a referral is made to the service a dedicated Social Prescriber will work with the client to understand their needs and find the appropriate local support they require. Our team strives to create a friendly environment that enables individuals to comfortably voice their concerns in a private setting.
We do our best to contact clients in need of support within a reasonable time, and where there is high demand for Social Prescribing assistance you’ll be informed of an estimated waiting time.
Note that this is not an emergency service.
If you wish to seek specific support of local services yourself, the following online resources are available:
Tower Hamlets Connect - Connecting Tower Hamlets residents with information and advice on health and social care, local events, and community services across the borough.
Tower Hamlets Local Offer : Home (localoffertowerhamlets.co.uk) - Tower Hamlets Family Information Service (FIS) and Local Offer. Find out what is available for all families, children and young people from birth to 25.
Self Help - THCAN- Tower Hamlets Community Advice Network (THCAN) is a partnership of local advice centres that work together to ensure that residents of Tower Hamlets have access to free, high quality advice on welfare benefits, debt, housing and other areas of social welfare law.
(For information on how to access the Social Prescribing service please see the ‘Accessing Social Prescribing’ section)
Our Key Aims
By addressing the wider social factors affecting health and wellbeing, we hope to prevent the development of associated complications when such factors are left unaddressed.
Empowering residents to play an active role in their health and wellbeing, by developing a greater understanding of the local social support available, and by building resident’s confidence in accessing such support.
Personalisation and Collaborative Working
Improving the local offer as it relates to a person-centred view of health and wellbeing. This is done by enabling residents to work co-operatively with health care providers to plan suitable interventions.
Accessing Social Prescribing
The Social Prescribing service is open to all individuals registered to a Tower Hamlets GP practice. Each GP practice within the borough has an allocated Social Prescriber who receives referrals from GP’s, Nurses and other practice staff.
We also accept referrals from other services and organisations (within healthcare or otherwise). Use our Services & Organisations Referral Form below to refer individuals in need of non-medical support.
If you wish to refer yourself to the service, you can contact your GP practice or you can use our Self-Referral Form below.
Self-Referral Form

Self-Referral Form
Contact a Social Prescriber
Services & Organisations Referral Form

Services & Organisations Referral Form
Refer to a Social Prescriber
What is Social Prescribing?
Social Prescribing across North East London
A Patient's Perspective
If you would like further information about the service or you wish to build a working partnership, please contact the Social Prescribing Manager: sahdia.warraich@nhs.net. For other enquires please contact the service using the below email.